mother dirt skin health

Our Health and Our Skin – Cleaning With…Dirt?

Many know the importance of what types of food we put in our bodies. However, we often

Every now and then we come across some amazing thinkers in the sphere of health and human physiology. They make you pause and reconsider how we conventionally manage our body’s wellbeing. We were able to speak to representatives of a company called Mother Dirt at a health conference in Austin, Texas this past May about skin care and harmony of our skin’s natural bacterial organisms.  We thought it was another aspect of holistic health care that was worth a look!

Many know the importance of what types of food we put in our bodies.  However, we often don’t consider the importance of what we put on our skin in our attempts to clean and moisturize (for more information check out this article).  Harmful ingredients that are absorbed through your skin can result in body concentrations that are 10x higher than when taken orally (as the filtering process in your digestive tract is bypassed).  Makes sense to pay some attention to the products that we often use everyday!

Harmful ingredients that are absorbed through your skin can result in body concentrations that are 10x higher than when taken orally.

Products new to the market (like Mother Dirt and Naked Biome – and likely many more on the way) confront the modern reality of our chronic over exposure to chemical products and sterilization culture. A substitution to typical ‘hygiene’ products, these products use live bacteria to help positively balance the micro biome (trillions of micro-organisms living symbiotically on our skin that protect its health) instead of harsh chemicals that generally lay waste to all bacteria, good and bad, that make up 99% of the hygiene market.  By eliminating the harmful bacteria and keeping the good bacteria, the skin is not only cleaned but renewed to even better health.

These types of products bring optimistic prospects for the future of caring for our skin (the largest organ of our bodies) and can help protect from real problems like over sterilizations, increased immune sensitivity or allergic responses, and skin conditions.  All this can be done by putting back in what we try so hard to avoid – getting DIRTY.

As always, we’d love to hear back from you if you have any questions and/or feedback.  Be sure to sign up for our newsletter for upcoming events, sales, and blog articles!

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